Sale deed is a legal document through which one party transfers his rights in the movable/immovable property to another party for a valid consideration amount. Sale deed consist of information about both the parties, description of the property which is being transferred, consideration amount for which the property is transferred.

The general practice is that a sale deed when executed is always registered before a registrar. Registrar after being satisfied with the sale deed and other documents register the sale deed.
M/S.Latif Estate Line India Ltd vs Mrs. Hadeeja Ammal on 11 February, 2011 – AIR 2011 Mad 66 (F.B.) 

It was established that a sale deed once registered cannot be cancelled by way of any cancellation notice. Madras High Court specifically stated that once a document is registered it can be cancelled only through civil court and therefore a suit for declaration has to be filed by the party before a civil court. Further court has stated that, any document which is registered as per registration act cannot be cancelled unilaterally if that document is delivering any right to the other party, only recourse available with the person is that he has to approach the civil court for the same.